Hab gerade noch was gefunden zu den SWJ_CFG . . .


Bits 26:24 SWJ_CFG[2:0]: Serial wire JTAG configuration
These bits are write-only (when read, the value is undefined). They are used to configure the
SWJ and trace alternate function I/Os. The SWJ (Serial Wire JTAG) supports JTAG or SWD
access to the Cortex® debug port. The default state after reset is SWJ ON without trace.
This allows JTAG or SW mode to be enabled by sending a specific sequence on the JTMS /
JTCK pin.
000: Full SWJ (JTAG-DP + SW-DP): Reset State
001: Full SWJ (JTAG-DP + SW-DP) but without NJTRST
010: JTAG-DP Disabled and SW-DP Enabled
100: JTAG-DP Disabled and SW-DP Disabled
Other combinations: no effect

Kann die Einstellung dieser Bits was bewirken?