Hallo zusammen,

ich habe ein Problem mit dem AD Wandler eines Atmega128.

Ich möchte mit dem AD Wandler ein Touchscreen auswerten, doch leider kann ich an dem Wandler keine Spannungen einlesen.

Es geht mir hier nur um den AD Wandler und nicht um die Auswerteroutinen. Zugehörige Spannungen liegen sicher an den jeweiligen Pins (ADC0 - 3) an. Liegt hier ein Problem in der Firmware oder doch in der Hardware des ATmega128 vor?

Egal welchen ADC Kanal ich einlesen möchte, ich bekomme immer den Wert 1023 zurück.

hier der Code:

'DEBUG-Firmware für Panel
'Testprogramme für
'  -  Displayhelligkeit
'  -  Touchscreenfunktion

$regfile = "m128def.dat"
$crystal = 12000000
$baud = 19200                                               ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32                                               ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10                                               ' default use 10 for the SW stack

Config Graphlcd = 240 * 128 , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 4 , Cd = 3 , Wr = 6 , Rd = 5 , Reset = 2 , Fs = 7 , Mode = 8

Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = AVCC

Config Timer1 = Pwm , Pwm = 8 , Compare A Pwm = Clear Up , Prescale = 8

Dim X As Word , Y As Word
Dim X2 As Word , Y2 As Word
Dim T_zeile As Byte
Dim T_spalte As Byte
Dim A1 As Byte
Dim A2 As Word
Dim Ymid As Word
Dim Xmid As Word
Dim Ok As Bit
Dim Brightness As Byte

Config Portb.5 = Output

Declare Sub Readtouch
Declare Sub Touch_zuordnung

Declare Sub Status_bargraph

Declare Sub Lcd_funktionsbutton
Declare Sub Lcd_stat_info
Declare Sub Lcd_stat_home
Declare Sub Lcd_draw_object_touchscreen

Ok = 0

'LCD Initialisierung / Lizenzierung


Cursor Off

Waitms 500

Locate 1,1
LCD "Brightness: "

Incr Brightness
Compare1a = Brightness
Locate 1,13
LCD Brightness
Waitms 10
Loop Until Brightness = 255

Wait 1

Stop ADC
Start ADC



call lcd_draw_object_touchscreen


   A1 = 0
   locate 1,1
   lcd "                    "

      locate 4,10
      lcd "F.0"
      locate 5,10
      lcd "hi" ; "    "

      locate 15, 10
      lcd "F.2"
      locate 16,10
      lcd "lo"    ; "    "

      locate 9,2
      lcd "F.1"
      locate 10,2
      lcd "read"  ; "    "

      locate 10, 18
      lcd "F.3"
      locate 11,18
      lcd "-"  ; "    "

   locate 1,1
   lcd "Y-Value: "


         Config Pinf.0 = Output
         Config Pinf.2 = Output
         Set Portf.0
         Reset Portf.2
         Ddrf.1 = 0
         Ddrf.3 = 0
         Waitms 10
         Y = Getadc(1)
         Y2 = 1024 - Y

         locate 1,22
         lcd Y;"   "
         locate 2,22
         lcd Y2;"   "
         incr A1

      loop until A1 = 255

   A1 = 0
   locate 1,1
   lcd "                    "

      locate 4,10
      lcd "F.0"
      locate 5,10
      lcd "read"  ; "    "

      locate 15, 10
      lcd "F.2"
      locate 16,10
      lcd "-"  ; "    "

      locate 9,2
      lcd "F.1"
      locate 10,2
      lcd "hi"; "    "

      locate 10, 18
      lcd "F.3"
      locate 11,18
      lcd "lo"  ; "    "

   locate 1,1
   lcd "X-Value: "


           Config Pinf.3 = Output
           Config Pinf.1 = Output
           Reset Portf.3
           Set Portf.1
           Ddrf.0 = 0
           Ddrf.2 = 0
           Waitms 10
           X = Getadc(0)
           X2 = 1024 - X

           locate 1,22
           lcd X ; "   "
           locate 2,22
           lcd X2; "   "
           incr A1

      loop until A1 = 255



'TOUCHSCREEN Einteilung in Spalten und Zeilen

Sub Touch_zuordnung

   Select Case Y
   Case 340 To 400 : T_zeile = 1
   Case 401 To 470 : T_zeile = 2
   Case 471 To 550 : T_zeile = 3
   Case 551 To 620 : T_zeile = 4
   Case 621 To 700 : T_zeile = 5
   Case Else : T_zeile = 0

   End Select

   Select Case X
   Case 165 To 300 : T_spalte = 1
   Case 301 To 435 : T_spalte = 2
   Case 436 To 570 : T_spalte = 3
   Case 571 To 700 : T_spalte = 4
   Case 701 To 840 : T_spalte = 5
   Case Else : T_spalte = 0

   End Select

End Sub


Sub Readtouch

Ymid = 0
Xmid = 0

For A1 = 1 To 3

 Config Pinf.1 = Output                                     ' Makes port F.0 output
 Config Pinf.2 = Output                                     ' Makes port F.0 output
 Set Portf.1                                                ' Sets port F.0 High
 Reset Portf.2                                              ' Sets port F.2 Low
 Ddrf.3 = 0                                                 ' Sets port F.1 as input
 Ddrf.0 = 0                                                 ' Sets port F.1 as input because we need it now as ad input
 Waitms 3                                                   ' Wait until the port is stable
 Y = Getadc(4)                                              ' Read the ad value for the y
 Y = 1024 - Y                                               ' Invert the reading

 Config Pinf.3 = Output                                     ' Makes port F.1 output
 Config Pinf.0 = Output                                     ' Makes port F.3 output
 Reset Portf.3                                              ' Sets port F.3 Low
 Set Portf.0                                                ' Sets port F.1 High
 Ddrf.1 = 0                                                 ' Sets port F.0 as input
 Ddrf.2 = 0                                                 ' Sets port F.2 as input because we need it now as ad input
 Waitms 3                                                   ' Wait until the port is stable
 X = Getadc(1)                                              ' Read the ad value for the x
 X = 1024 - X                                               ' Invert the reading

Ymid = Ymid + Y
Xmid = Xmid + X

Next A1

Y = Ymid / 3                                                'Mittelung der X,Y Werte über 3 Messungen
X = Xmid / 3

End Sub

'LCD Objekt Touchscreen
Sub Lcd_draw_object_touchscreen


locate 12,9
lcd "TOUCH"

'locate 4,10
'lcd "F.0"
'locate 5,10
'lcd "hi"

'locate 15, 10
'lcd "F.2"
'locate 16,10
'lcd "lo"

'locate 8,3
'lcd "F.1"
'locate 9,3
'lcd "read"

'locate 10, 18
'lcd "F.3"
'locate 11,18
'lcd "-"

End Sub

Viele Grüße,