Hallo Leute,
ich möchte bei meinem neuesten Projekt einen Bootloader mit einbinden.
Die Probleme beim Start und beim Aufruf des Bootloaders hab ich soweit schon gelöst.
Nun zu meinem Problem.

Ich benutze CV Megaload als Bootloader System.
Dieser Bootloader benutzt die serielle Schnittstelle zur Programmierung des Chips.

Ich habe diese Anbindung über einen FT232RL gemacht, der über 2 Optokoppler galvanisch getrennt die Verbindung zum Controller herstellt.

Wird eine Taste gedrückt startet der Bootloader, ansonsten wird das Programm normal ausgeführt.

Das Ganze klappt so lange, wie ich zum Ressetten des Controllers den Reset Pin benutze.
Wenn ich stattdessen nur den Strom einschalte wird manchmal gar kein Zeichen, manchmal ein falsches Zeichen in Richtung PC gesandt. Ein ">" wird da erwartet.

Ich hab auch schon versucht mit Warteschleifen das Problem in den Griff zu kriegen.
Das hat aber nichts gebracht.

Der FT232 wird stromversorgungsmässig vom PC versorgt.
Das Power up dieses Chips sollte also nicht das Problem sein.

Habt Ihr da noch irgendwelche Ideen?
Den Reset Pin nach aussen zu führen möchte ich nach Möglichkeit vermeiden.

Anbei der aktuell verwendete Code für den Bootloader:

Project :   CVMegaload
Version :   1.00
Date    : 14/05/2004
Author  : Ralph Hilton                    
Chip type           : ATmega
Program type        : Bootloader
Clock frequency     : 20.000000 MHz
Data Stack size     : 256
Acknowledgement  : Modified from original code by Sylvain Bissonnette
Note: BAUDRATE must be correctly defined below
Supported values are
9600 19200 38400 57600 115200
Chip header is included by cvmegaload.h from the project configuration
// The project should be compiled with the following compiler options:       
// Promote char to int
// Char is unsigned
// Bit variables 0
//uncomment to use UART1
//#define UART1

#pragma promotechar+
#pragma uchar+
#pragma regalloc-
#pragma optsize+

#ifdef UART1
#include <cvmegaloaduart1.h> //contains defines for DeviceID FlashSize BootSize PageSize AddressLshift
#include <cvmegaload.h> //contains defines for DeviceID FlashSize BootSize PageSize AddressLshift

#include <stdio.h>
#include <delay.h>

#define BAUDRATE 38400
register unsigned int Pagedata @2; //program data to be written from this and read back for checking
register unsigned int PageAddress @4; //address of the page
register unsigned int CurrentAddress @6; //address of the current data -  PageAddress + loop counter
register char inchar @8; //data received from RS232 
register char spmcrval @10; //value to write to SPM control register 
register unsigned int i @11;   //loop counter
register unsigned int j @13;  //13 loop counter  
unsigned int ubbr;
unsigned int Checkdata ; //compared with Pagedata for checking
char PageBuffer[PageByte]; //buffer for data to be written   

#ifdef UART1

#define getchar getchar1
#define putchar putchar1

// Get a character from the USART1 Receiver
#pragma used+
char getchar(void)
char status,data;
while (1)
      while (((status=UCSRA) & 128)==0);
      if ((status & (28))==0)
         return data;
#pragma used-

// Write a character to the USART1 Transmitter
#pragma used+
void putchar(char c)
while ((UCSRA & 32)==0);
#pragma used-


char GetPage(void)
char LocalCheckSum = 0;
char CheckSum = 0;
// The programming software generates a simple checksum in the 
// same fashion as below to check for data transmission errors
for (j=0;j<PageByte;j++)
    LocalCheckSum += PageBuffer[j];
CheckSum = getchar();  
if (LocalCheckSum == CheckSum) return 1;
else return 0;

char CheckFlash(void)
//After the data has been written to flash it is read back and compared to the original
for (j=0;j<PageByte;j+=2)
    #if defined _CHIP_ATMEGA128_ 
    movw r30, r6       ;//move  CurrentAddress to Z pointer  
    elpm r2, Z+         ;//read LSB
    elpm r3, Z           ;//read MSB    
    movw r30, r6       ;//move  CurrentAddress to Z pointer  
    lpm r2, Z+          ;//read LSB
    lpm r3, Z            ;//read MSB
    Checkdata = PageBuffer[j] +(PageBuffer[j+1]<<8);
    if (Pagedata != Checkdata) return 0;
return 1;

void ExecCode(void)
#if defined _CHIP_ATMEGA128_
RAMPZ =  0;  
MCUCR = 0x01;           // Enable interrupt vector select
MCUCR = 0x00;           // Move interrupt vector to flash
#asm("jmp 0x00"); // Run application code   

void BootLoad(void)
// Send chip data to the programming software so that it knows
// how to format transmissions
// "!" means all ok and send the next data if there is more
PageAddress = (unsigned int)getchar() << 8;  // Receive PageAddress high byte
PageAddress += getchar();   // Add PageAddress low byte
if (PageAddress == 0xffff) ExecCode(); // The windows program sends this value when finished  
#if defined _CHIP_ATMEGA128_  
if (PageAddress >> 8) RAMPZ =  1;
else RAMPZ=0;  
PageAddress = PageAddress << AddressLshift; //essentially the same as multiply by PageSize
if (GetPage()) //receive one page of data followed by a checksum byte and verify data
    for (i=0;i<PageByte;i+=2) //fill temporary buffer in 2 byte chunks from PageBuffer       
        while (SPMCR&1); //wait for spm complete
        movw r30, r6    ;//move CurrentAddress to Z pointer   
        mov r1, r3        ;//move Pagedata MSB reg 1
        mov r0, r2        ;//move Pagedata LSB reg 1  
        sts SpmcrAddr, r10   ;//move spmcrval to SPM control register
        spm                ;//store program memory
    while (SPMCR&1);  //wait for spm complete
    spmcrval=3;        //erase page
    movw r30, r4       ;//move PageAddress to Z pointer
    sts SpmcrAddr, r10    ;//move spmcrval to SPM control register              
    spm                 ;//erase page
    while (SPMCR&1); //wait for spm complete
    spmcrval=5;        //write page
    movw r30, r4       ;//move PageAddress to Z pointer
    sts SpmcrAddr, r10    ;//move spmcrval to SPM control register              
    spm                 ;//write page

    while (SPMCR&1);  //wait for spm complete
    spmcrval=0x11;   //enableRWW  see mega8 datasheet for explanation
     // P. 212 Section "Prevent reading the RWW section
     // during self-programming
    sts SpmcrAddr, r10   ;//move spmcrval to SPMCR              
     if (CheckFlash()) putchar('!');  //all ok, send next page
     else putchar('@'); //there was an error, resend page
     }  //end if (GetPage()) 
  else putchar('@');  //there was an error ,resend page

void main(void)
//Set Pullup on PortA.5
//When PortA.5 ist set to High ( Tast Open ) start Application Else start Bootloader


// USART initialization
// Communication Parameters: 8 Data, 1 Stop, No Parity
// USART Receiver: On
// USART Transmitter: On
// USART Mode: Asynchronous
// USART Baud rate: 9600

ubbr = (unsigned long int)_MCU_CLOCK_FREQUENCY_ / (BAUDRATE * 16) - 1;
UBRRH=ubbr >> 8;
UBRRL = ubbr;

putchar('>'); //I'm here, talk to me

while ( (! (UCSRA&128)) &( i < 32000) ) i++; //wait for data in or timeout 
if (i < 32000)  inchar= getchar(); 

if (inchar == '<') BootLoad(); // I'm here too, go ahead and load the program to flash 
//ExecCode();  // set up and jump to application