
habe einen DS18S20 an Portb.0 meines mega32 hängen. Folgendes Programm gibt mir als Temperatur immer 850 aus:

'--- Controller ---
$regfile = "m32def.dat"
$crystal = 16000000
$baud = 4800
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 10
$framesize = 40

'--- Grafikroutine ---
$lib "glcdKS108.lib"

'--- DS18S20 ---
Config 1wire = Portb.0

'--- Declare Subs ---
Declare Sub Init
Declare Sub Convallt
Declare Function Decigrades(byval Sc(9) As Byte) As Integer

'--- Dims ---
Dim B As Byte
Dim W As Word
Dim Dg As Integer
Dim Min1 As Integer
Dim Min2 As Integer
Dim Max1 As Integer
Dim Max2 As Integer
Dim Dsid1(8) As Byte
Dim Sc(9) As Byte

'--- Grafikdisplay ---
Config Graphlcd = 128 * 64sed , Dataport = Porta , Controlport = Portc , Ce = 1 , Ce2 = 0 , Cd = 2 , Rd = 3 , Reset = 4 , Enable = 5
Showpic 0 , 0 , Lcdblank

Setfont Font6x8
Lcdat 2 , 32 , "Sensorcheck"
Line(0 , 20) -(128 , 20 ) , 1
Wait 1

'--- Sensor ---
Setfont Kayfont5x5
Dsid1(1) = 1wsearchfirst()
If Dsid1(8) = Crc8(dsid1(1) , 7) Then
   Lcdat 4 , 2 , "CRC OK Sensor"
   Wait 1
   For B = 1 To 8
      Lcdat 5 , 2 , Hex(dsid1(b))
End If

'--- Main Hauptprogramm ---
 Call Convallt                                              ' "Convert ALL T on the 1w-bus"
  Waitus 200 : Waitus 200 : Waitus 200 : Waitus 200         'if you use 2-wire, could be reduced to 200us

  1wverify Dsid1(1)                                         'Issues the "Match ROM "
  Locate 1 , 1
  If Err = 1 Then
    Lcdat 6 , 2 , "Err "                                    'Err = 1 if something is wrong
  Elseif Err = 0 Then                                       'lcd " Sensor found"
    1wwrite &HBE
    Sc(1) = 1wread(9)                                       'read bytes into array
    If Sc(9) = Crc8(sc(1) , 8) Then
       Dg = Decigrades(sc(9))
       Lcdat 7 , 2 , Dg
    End If
  End If
  Wait 1
Goto Main

'--- Temperatur konvertieren ---
Sub Convallt
   1wreset                                                  ' reset the bus
   1wwrite &HCC                                             ' skip rom
   1wwrite &H44                                             ' Convert T
End Sub

'--- Funktion zum auslesen des Temperatursensors ---
Function Decigrades(byval Sc(9) As Byte)
Dim Tmp As Byte , T As Integer , T1 As Integer

   Tmp = Sc(1) And 1                                        ' 0.1C precision
      If Tmp = 1 Then Decr Sc(1)
      T = Makeint(sc(1) , Sc(2))
      'Print Hex(t)
      'Print T

      T = T * 50                                            'here we calculate the 1/10 precision like
      T = T - 25                                            'DS18S20 data sheet
      T1 = Sc(8) - Sc(7)
      T1 = T1 * 100
      T1 = T1 / Sc(8)
      T = T + T1
      Decigrades = T / 10
'As integer, this routine gives T*10, with 1/10 degree precision
End Function

'--- Includes ---
$include "kayfont5x5.font"
$include "font6x8.font"

'--- Bilder ---
$bgf "lcdblank.bgf"
Die ID bekomme ich angezeigt. Hab 2 DS18S20 ausprobiert. Am Datenausgang habe ich einen 4,7k Pullup. Vielleicht sitz ich ja auch nur auf der Leitung. Vielleicht kann mir ja jemand von Euch helfen.

mfg Kay