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19.01.2007, 08:46
Einen schönen guten Morgen.

Kann mir jemand bitte helfen warum folgender Code mit der Bascom Demo ohne Fehler compiliert wird und bei der Version Demo folgender Fehler beim compilieren auftritt.

Hier der Code. Der größte Teil des Codes habe ich hier im Forum gefunden und dann zusammengesetzt mit ein paar kleinen Anpassungen.

Als Fehler wird angezeigt:
Zeile 65 Cant find HW-register DDR0
Zeile 66 Cant find HW-register DDR1
Zeile 67 Cant find HW-register DDR2
Zeile 68 Cant find HW-register DDR3

$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 3686400
$baud = 115200
'************************************************* ******************************
'Portb.0 Brenner Ein/Aus
'Portb.1 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.2 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.3 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.4 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.5 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'***************************Definition allgemeiner Variabeln********************
Dim J As Byte
Dim Relais(8) As Byte
Dim Tagnacht As Bit
Dim Zeitinmin As Integer
'Dim Testzeit As Integer
'Testzeit = 21
'***************************Config LCD-Display**********************************
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Rs = Portd.2 , E = Portd.3 , Db4 = Portd.4 , Db5 = Portd.5 , Db6 = Portd.6 , Db7 = Portd.7
Config Lcdbus = 4
Config Lcdmode = Port
'***************************Config Schaltausgänge*******************************
Config Portb = Output
'Config Portb.0 = Output
'Config Portb.1 = Output
'Config Portb.2 = Output
'*************************Config Timer1*****************************************
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 64 '256 'Konfiguriere Timer1
Enable Timer1 'schalte den Timer1 ein
On Timer1 Isr_von_timer1 'verzweige bei Timer1 überlauf zu Isr_von_Timer1
Enable Interrupts
Timer1 = 51135 'Timer1 soll schon von 34285 wegzählen
'***************************Config RTC******************************************
Config Sda = Portc.4
Config Scl = Portc.5

Const Ds1307w = &HD0 ' Addresses of Ds1307 clock
Const Ds1307r = &HD1

Config Clock = User ' this will dim the bytes automatic
Dim Weekday As Byte

'Time$ = "19:07:00" ' to watch the day changing value
'Date$ = "13.10.07" ' erstmaliges stellen der Uhr
'***************************Config 1Wire****************************************
Config 1wire = Portb.3 ' DS1820 on pin 12 (pull up)

Declare Sub Read1820
Declare Sub Crcit
Declare Sub Temperature

Dim Bd(9) As Byte
Dim I As Byte , Tmp As Byte
Dim Crc As Byte
Dim T As Integer , Temp As Single
Dim V As Byte

Deflcdchar 0 , 6 , 9 , 9 , 6 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 ' replace ? with number (0-7)
Cursor Off Noblink
'***************************Config AD-Wandler***********************************
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto
Start Adc
Config Portc.0 = Input
Config Portc.1 = Input
Config Portc.2 = Input
Config Portc.3 = Input
Dim Ad As Integer
Dim Sp As Single
Dim Temp_ad(8) As Single
'***************************Hauptprogramm********* ******************************
Waitms 250
Gosub Anzeigetime
Gosub Ad_wandler
Gosub Anzeigeadwandler
Gosub Schalterelais
Waitms 1000
'*************************Anzeige AD_Wandler************************************
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "Tk ="
For J = 1 To 4
Locate 2 , 3
Lcd J
Locate 2 , 7
Lcd Fusing(temp_ad(j) , "##.##")
Waitms 1500
Next J
'*************************Sub AnzeigeTime***************************************
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd Time$
'Locate 1 , 1
'Lcd Date$ ;
'Waitms 1000
'**************************Sub AD_Wanlder***************************************
For J = 1 To 4
Ad = J - 1
Ad = Getadc(ad)
Sp = Ad * 0.51
If Temp_ad(j) > 100 Then
Temp_ad(j) = 999.99
Temp_ad(j) = Sp - 272
End If
Waitms 10
Next I
Ad = Getadc(4)
Temp_ad(3) = Temp_ad(3) - 3.5

'**************************Subroutine für Timer1********************************
Isr_von_timer1: 'ISR von Timer1
Timer1 = 51135
If _hour >= 20 Then 'Sp > 2 Then 'Timer1 soll wieder von 34285 wegzählen
Tagnacht = 0
End If
If _hour >= 2 And _hour < 20 Then
Tagnacht = 1
End If
Zeitinmin = _hour * 60
Zeitinmin = Zeitinmin + _min
'*************************Sub Relais schalten***********************************
Select Case Tagnacht
Case 1
Gosub Tagbetrieb
Case 0
Gosub Nachtbetrieb
End Select
'**************************Sub für Tagbetrieb***********************************
Portb.0 = 1 'Brenner
Portb.1 = 1 'Pumpe
'**************************Sub für Nachtbetrieb*********************************
Portb.0 = 0
If Zeitinmin > 1200 And Zeitinmin < 1245 Then
Portb.1 = 1
Portb.1 = 0
End If
If Temp_ad(3) > 21.1 Then
Portb.0 = 0
Portb.1 = 0
Portb.0 = 1
Portb.1 = 1
End If
'***************************Subs für RTC****************************************
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' start address in 1307

I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307r ' send address
I2crbyte _sec , Ack
I2crbyte _min , Ack ' MINUTES
I2crbyte _hour , Ack ' Hours
I2crbyte Weekday , Ack ' Day of Week
I2crbyte _day , Ack ' Day of Month
I2crbyte _month , Ack ' Month of Year
I2crbyte _year , Nack ' Year
_sec = Makedec(_sec) : _min = Makedec(_min) : _hour = Makedec(_hour)
_day = Makedec(_day) : _month = Makedec(_month) : _year = Makedec(_year)

_day = Makebcd(_day) : _month = Makebcd(_month) : _year = Makebcd(_year)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 4 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _day ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _month ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _year ' Hours

_sec = Makebcd(_sec) : _min = Makebcd(_min) : _hour = Makebcd(_hour)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _sec ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _min ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _hour ' Hours
'************************************************* ******************************
Sub Temperature ' actual measuring
' 1wwrite &HCC : 1wwrite &H44 ' start measure
' Waitms 300 ' wait for end of conversion
' Read1820 ' read 9 bytes
' If Err = 1 Then ' if there is no sensor
' Locate 2 , 8 : Lcd " -- " ' we put "-- " on LCD
' Else
' If Crc = 0 Then ' sensor present, check CRC
' Locate 2 , 8 : Lcd Fusing(temp , "#.##") ; Chr(0) ; "C" ' CRC OK, print T*10 on LCD
' Else
' Locate 2 , 8 : Lcd " ** " ' CRC NOT OK, "** " on LCD
' End If
' End If
End Sub
'************************************************* ******************************
'Sub Read1820 ' reads sensor ans calculate
' ' T for 0.1 C
' 1wreset ' reset the bus
' 1wwrite &HCC ' read internal RAM
' 1wwrite &HBE ' read 9 data bytest
' Bd(1) = 1wread(9) ' read bytes in array
' 1wreset ' reset the bus
' Crcit ' ckeck CRC
'' If Crc = 0 Then ' if is OK, calculate for
' Tmp = Bd(1) And 1 ' 0.1C precision
' If Tmp = 1 Then Decr Bd(1)
' T = Makeint(bd(1) , Bd(2))
' T = T / 2
' Temp = Bd(8) - Bd(7)
' Temp = Temp / Bd(8)
' Temp = T + Temp
' Temp = Temp - 0.25
' End If
'End Sub
'************************************************* ******************************
Sub Crcit ' calculate 8 bit CRC
' bigger but faster
Crc = 0 ' needs a 256 elements table
For I = 1 To 9
Tmp = Crc Xor Bd(i)
Crc = Lookup(tmp , Crc8)
End Sub
'************************************************* ******************************
Data 0 , 94 , 188 , 226 , 97 , 63 , 221 , 131 , 194 , 156
Data 126 , 32 , 163 , 253 , 31 , 65 , 157 , 195 , 33 , 127
Data 252 , 162 , 64 , 30 , 95 , 1 , 227 , 189 , 62 , 96
Data 130 , 220 , 35 , 125 , 159 , 193 , 66 , 28 , 254 , 160
Data 225 , 191 , 93 , 3 , 128 , 222 , 60 , 98 , 190 , 224
Data 2 , 92 , 223 , 129 , 99 , 61 , 124 , 34 , 192 , 158
Data 29 , 67 , 161 , 255 , 70 , 24 , 250 , 164 , 39 , 121
Data 155 , 197 , 132 , 218 , 56 , 102 , 229 , 187 , 89 , 7
Data 219 , 133 , 103 , 57 , 186 , 228 , 6 , 88 , 25 , 71
Data 165 , 251 , 120 , 38 , 196 , 154 , 101 , 59 , 217 , 135
Data 4 , 90 , 184 , 230 , 167 , 249 , 27 , 69 , 198 , 152
Data 122 , 36 , 248 , 166 , 68 , 26 , 153 , 199 , 37 , 123
Data 58 , 100 , 134 , 216 , 91 , 5 , 231 , 185 , 140 , 210
Data 48 , 110 , 237 , 179 , 81 , 15 , 78 , 16 , 242 , 172
Data 47 , 113 , 147 , 205 , 17 , 79 , 173 , 243 , 112 , 46
Data 204 , 146 , 211 , 141 , 111 , 49 , 178 , 236 , 14 , 80
Data 175 , 241 , 19 , 77 , 206 , 144 , 114 , 44 , 109 , 51
Data 209 , 143 , 12 , 82 , 176 , 238 , 50 , 108 , 142 , 208
Data 83 , 13 , 239 , 177 , 240 , 174 , 76 , 18 , 145 , 207
Data 45 , 115 , 202 , 148 , 118 , 40 , 171 , 245 , 23 , 73
Data 8 , 86 , 180 , 234 , 105 , 55 , 213 , 139 , 87 , 9
Data 235 , 181 , 54 , 104 , 138 , 212 , 149 , 203 , 41 , 119
Data 244 , 170 , 72 , 22 , 233 , 183 , 85 , 11 , 136 , 214
Data 52 , 106 , 43 , 117 , 151 , 201 , 74 , 20 , 246 , 168
Data 116 , 42 , 200 , 150 , 21 , 75 , 169 , 247 , 182 , 232
Data 10 , 84 , 215 , 137 , 107 , 53

An dieser Stelle noch eine Frage hinterher.

Wann muss der "Stack" konfiguriert werden?


19.01.2007, 11:38
Habe mal die Klammern weggenommen und die Variablen dimensioniert.
Code nicht getestet, aber er wird übersetzt. Was macht er?

$regfile = "m8def.dat"
$crystal = 3686400
$baud = 115200
'************************************************* ******************************
'Portb.0 Brenner Ein/Aus
'Portb.1 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.2 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.3 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.4 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'Portb.5 Pumpe Ein/Aus
'***************************Definition allgemeiner Variabeln********************
Dim J As Byte
Dim Relais As Byte
Dim Tagnacht As Bit
Dim Zeitinmin As Integer
'Dim Testzeit As Integer
'Testzeit = 21
'***************************Config LCD-Display**********************************
Config Lcd = 16 * 2
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Rs = Portd.2 , E = Portd.3 , Db4 = Portd.4 , Db5 = Portd.5 , Db6 = Portd.6 , Db7 = Portd.7
Config Lcdbus = 4
Config Lcdmode = Port
'***************************Config Schaltausgänge*******************************
Config Portb = Output
'Config Portb.0 = Output
'Config Portb.1 = Output
'Config Portb.2 = Output
'*************************Config Timer1*****************************************
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 64 '256 'Konfiguriere Timer1
Enable Timer1 'schalte den Timer1 ein
On Timer1 Isr_von_timer1 'verzweige bei Timer1 überlauf zu Isr_von_Timer1
Enable Interrupts
Timer1 = 51135 'Timer1 soll schon von 34285 wegzählen
'***************************Config RTC******************************************
Config Sda = Portc.4
Config Scl = Portc.5

Const Ds1307w = &HD0 ' Addresses of Ds1307 clock
Const Ds1307r = &HD1

Config Clock = User ' this will dim the bytes automatic
Dim Weekday As Byte

'Time$ = "19:07:00" ' to watch the day changing value
'Date$ = "13.10.07" ' erstmaliges stellen der Uhr
'***************************Config 1Wire****************************************
Config 1wire = Portb.3 ' DS1820 on pin 12 (pull up)

Declare Sub Read1820
Declare Sub Crcit
Declare Sub Temperature

Dim Bd(9) As Byte
Dim I As Byte , Tmp As Byte
Dim Crc As Byte
Dim T As Integer , Temp As Single
Dim V As Byte
'Dim Temp_ad(j) As Byte

Deflcdchar 0 , 6 , 9 , 9 , 6 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 32 ' replace ? with number (0-7)
Cursor Off Noblink
'***************************Config AD-Wandler***********************************
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto
Start Adc
Config Portc.0 = Input
Config Portc.1 = Input
Config Portc.2 = Input
Config Portc.3 = Input
Dim Ad As Integer
Dim Sp As Single
Dim Temp_ad(9) As Single
'***************************Hauptprogramm********* ******************************
Waitms 250
Gosub Anzeigetime
Gosub Ad_wandler
Gosub Anzeigeadwandler
Gosub Schalterelais
Waitms 1000
'*************************Anzeige AD_Wandler************************************
Locate 2 , 1
Lcd "Tk ="
For J = 1 To 4
Locate 2 , 3
Lcd J
Locate 2 , 7
Lcd Fusing(temp_ad(j) , "##.##")
Waitms 1500
Next J
'*************************Sub AnzeigeTime***************************************
Locate 1 , 1
Lcd Time$
'Locate 1 , 1
'Lcd Date$ ;
'Waitms 1000
'**************************Sub AD_Wanlder***************************************
For J = 1 To 4
Ad = J - 1
Ad = Getadc(ad)
Sp = Ad * 0.51
If Temp_ad(j) > 100 Then
Temp_ad(j) = 999.99
Temp_ad(j) = Sp - 272
End If
Waitms 10
Next I
Ad = Getadc(4)
Temp_ad(3) = Temp_ad(3) - 3.5

'**************************Subroutine für Timer1********************************
Isr_von_timer1: 'ISR von Timer1
Timer1 = 51135
If _hour >= 20 Then 'Sp > 2 Then 'Timer1 soll wieder von 34285 wegzählen
Tagnacht = 0
End If
If _hour >= 2 And _hour < 20 Then
Tagnacht = 1
End If
Zeitinmin = _hour * 60
Zeitinmin = Zeitinmin + _min
'*************************Sub Relais schalten***********************************
Select Case Tagnacht
Case 1
Gosub Tagbetrieb
Case 0
Gosub Nachtbetrieb
End Select
'**************************Sub für Tagbetrieb***********************************
Portb.0 = 1 'Brenner
Portb.1 = 1 'Pumpe
'**************************Sub für Nachtbetrieb*********************************
Portb.0 = 0
If Zeitinmin > 1200 And Zeitinmin < 1245 Then
Portb.1 = 1
Portb.1 = 0
End If
If Temp_ad(3) > 21.1 Then
Portb.0 = 0
Portb.1 = 0
Portb.0 = 1
Portb.1 = 1
End If
'***************************Subs für RTC****************************************
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' start address in 1307

I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307r ' send address
I2crbyte _sec , Ack
I2crbyte _min , Ack ' MINUTES
I2crbyte _hour , Ack ' Hours
I2crbyte Weekday , Ack ' Day of Week
I2crbyte _day , Ack ' Day of Month
I2crbyte _month , Ack ' Month of Year
I2crbyte _year , Nack ' Year
_sec = Makedec(_sec) : _min = Makedec(_min) : _hour = Makedec(_hour)
_day = Makedec(_day) : _month = Makedec(_month) : _year = Makedec(_year)

_day = Makebcd(_day) : _month = Makebcd(_month) : _year = Makebcd(_year)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 4 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _day ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _month ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _year ' Hours

_sec = Makebcd(_sec) : _min = Makebcd(_min) : _hour = Makebcd(_hour)
I2cstart ' Generate start code
I2cwbyte Ds1307w ' send address
I2cwbyte 0 ' starting address in 1307
I2cwbyte _sec ' Send Data to SECONDS
I2cwbyte _min ' MINUTES
I2cwbyte _hour ' Hours
'************************************************* ******************************
Sub Temperature ' actual measuring
' 1wwrite &HCC : 1wwrite &H44 ' start measure
' Waitms 300 ' wait for end of conversion
' Read1820 ' read 9 bytes
' If Err = 1 Then ' if there is no sensor
' Locate 2 , 8 : Lcd " -- " ' we put "-- " on LCD
' Else
' If Crc = 0 Then ' sensor present, check CRC
' Locate 2 , 8 : Lcd Fusing(temp , "#.##") ; Chr(0) ; "C" ' CRC OK, print T*10 on LCD
' Else
' Locate 2 , 8 : Lcd " ** " ' CRC NOT OK, "** " on LCD
' End If
' End If
End Sub
'************************************************* ******************************
'Sub Read1820 ' reads sensor ans calculate
' ' T for 0.1 C
' 1wreset ' reset the bus
' 1wwrite &HCC ' read internal RAM
' 1wwrite &HBE ' read 9 data bytest
' Bd(1) = 1wread(9) ' read bytes in array
' 1wreset ' reset the bus
' Crcit ' ckeck CRC
'' If Crc = 0 Then ' if is OK, calculate for
' Tmp = Bd(1) And 1 ' 0.1C precision
' If Tmp = 1 Then Decr Bd(1)
' T = Makeint(bd(1) , Bd(2))
' T = T / 2
' Temp = Bd( - Bd(7)
' Temp = Temp / Bd(
' Temp = T + Temp
' Temp = Temp - 0.25
' End If
'End Sub
'************************************************* ******************************
Sub Crcit ' calculate 8 bit CRC
' bigger but faster
Crc = 0 ' needs a 256 elements table
For I = 1 To 9
Tmp = Crc Xor Bd(i)
Crc = Lookup(tmp , Crc8)
End Sub
'************************************************* ******************************
Data 0 , 94 , 188 , 226 , 97 , 63 , 221 , 131 , 194 , 156
Data 126 , 32 , 163 , 253 , 31 , 65 , 157 , 195 , 33 , 127
Data 252 , 162 , 64 , 30 , 95 , 1 , 227 , 189 , 62 , 96
Data 130 , 220 , 35 , 125 , 159 , 193 , 66 , 28 , 254 , 160
Data 225 , 191 , 93 , 3 , 128 , 222 , 60 , 98 , 190 , 224
Data 2 , 92 , 223 , 129 , 99 , 61 , 124 , 34 , 192 , 158
Data 29 , 67 , 161 , 255 , 70 , 24 , 250 , 164 , 39 , 121
Data 155 , 197 , 132 , 218 , 56 , 102 , 229 , 187 , 89 , 7
Data 219 , 133 , 103 , 57 , 186 , 228 , 6 , 88 , 25 , 71
Data 165 , 251 , 120 , 38 , 196 , 154 , 101 , 59 , 217 , 135
Data 4 , 90 , 184 , 230 , 167 , 249 , 27 , 69 , 198 , 152
Data 122 , 36 , 248 , 166 , 68 , 26 , 153 , 199 , 37 , 123
Data 58 , 100 , 134 , 216 , 91 , 5 , 231 , 185 , 140 , 210
Data 48 , 110 , 237 , 179 , 81 , 15 , 78 , 16 , 242 , 172
Data 47 , 113 , 147 , 205 , 17 , 79 , 173 , 243 , 112 , 46
Data 204 , 146 , 211 , 141 , 111 , 49 , 178 , 236 , 14 , 80
Data 175 , 241 , 19 , 77 , 206 , 144 , 114 , 44 , 109 , 51
Data 209 , 143 , 12 , 82 , 176 , 238 , 50 , 108 , 142 , 208
Data 83 , 13 , 239 , 177 , 240 , 174 , 76 , 18 , 145 , 207
Data 45 , 115 , 202 , 148 , 118 , 40 , 171 , 245 , 23 , 73
Data 8 , 86 , 180 , 234 , 105 , 55 , 213 , 139 , 87 , 9
Data 235 , 181 , 54 , 104 , 138 , 212 , 149 , 203 , 41 , 119
Data 244 , 170 , 72 , 22 , 233 , 183 , 85 , 11 , 136 , 214
Data 52 , 106 , 43 , 117 , 151 , 201 , 74 , 20 , 246 , 168
Data 116 , 42 , 200 , 150 , 21 , 75 , 169 , 247 , 182 , 232
Data 10 , 84 , 215 , 137 , 107 , 53