hi leute habe ein problem. habe ein interface (USB HighSpeed Interface Modul V2.5 mit 8KB I²C EEPROM)
ich will eine ultraschallmessung auslösen, aber irgendwie geht es nicht.
naja ihr könnt euch den code mal angucken und mir dann mal bescheid sagen.

Const Initialized  As Boolean = True

Dim OK As Boolean

Dim Zentimeter As Byte

Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)



Private Type Daten

    Speicher(1) As Byte

End Type


Function fehlerCheck()

Fehler = UsbGetError

Select Case Fehler

Case 0

MsgBox ("no Error")

Case 1

MsgBox ("File Not found")

Case 2

MsgBox ("Device not present: The device is not connected or the driver is not installed correctly")

Case 3

MsgBox ("Unable to open device")

Case 4

MsgBox ("Usb transfer failed: The USB transfer timed out or the device has been removed during a USB transfer")

Case 5

MsgBox ("Out of memory: The DLL failed to allocate memory")

Case 6

MsgBox ("Invalid parameter: One of the parameters passed to a function is wrong or out of range")

Case 7

MsgBox ("Interface is not initialized: The interface has not been initialized using UsbInt")

Case 8

MsgBox ("I2c transfer timed out: The I2C transfer timed out. Perhaps the I2C timeout value has to be modified using UsbSeti2cTimeout")

Case 9

MsgBox ("I2c bus error (lost arbitration)")

Case 10

MsgBox ("The I2C slave did not acknowledge")

Case 11

MsgBox ("Eeprom write timed out: The EEprom did not ackknowledge during the selected EEprom timeout. Perhaps the timeout has to be increased using the function UsbEEpSetTimeout.")

Case 12

MsgBox ("SPI bus has to be initialized before calling this function: You called an SPI-transfer function, but did not initialize the SPI bus using UsbSpiInit before")

Case 13

MsgBox ("Parallel bus has to be initialized before calling this function: You called an Parallel bus function without initializing it using UsbParInit or UsbParInitUsingArray")

Case 14

MsgBox ("UsbParIn transfer timed out")

Case 15

MsgBox ("UsbParOut transfer timed out")

Case 16

MsgBox ("Internal error-Transaction number mismatch")

End Select


End Function


Private Sub Command1_Click()

OK = UsbClose(0)


End Sub


Private Sub Command2_Click()

OK = True

    OK = UsbI2CWriteByte(0, 112, 0)

    OK = UsbI2CWriteByte(0, 112, 81)

        If OK Then MsgBox ("OK is Ok") Else MsgBox ("OK is nicht OK")


    OK = UsbI2CWriteByte(0, 112, 2)

    OK = UsbI2CReadByte(0, 112, Zentimeter)

        If OK Then MsgBox ("OK is Ok") Else MsgBox ("OK is nicht OK")

    Text1.Text = Zentimeter

End Sub

Private Sub Command3_Click()

Dim Daten As Daten

OK = True


    Daten.Speicher(0) = 0

    Daten.Speicher(1) = 81

OK = UsbI2CWriteBytes(0, 112, 2, Daten.Speicher(0))

'OK = UsbI2CWriteBytes(0, 112, 2, Daten.Speicher(1))



    'OK = UsbI2CWriteByte(0, 112, 81)

     Sleep 100

    OK = UsbI2CWriteByte(0, 112, 0)

    OK = UsbI2CReadByte(0, 112, Zentimeter)

    Text1.Text = Zentimeter



End Sub


Private Sub Form_Load()

  Text1.Text = ""

  OK = UsbSetLicense("license.dat")

  If OK Then Form1.Visible = True Else MsgBox ("Licens nicht erkannt")

  OK = UsbInit(0)

  If OK = 0 Then MsgBox ("Unable to initialize USB interface. Device not present?")

  If OK = 0 Then End

  OK = UsbI2CSetTimeout(0, 200)

  If OK = 0 Then MsgBox ("TimeOut nicht gesetzt!")

  OK = UsbI2CSetSpeed(0, 0)

  If OK = 0 Then MsgBox ("Spped nicht gesetzt!")


  End Sub
gruß dave