Hi Leute, kann mir irgendjemand sagen mit welcher Funktion ich die IO-Ports des RP6 abfragen kann, den Code der Funktionen getBumper_left() und getBumper_right() verstehe ich nämlich nicht.
 * Returns true if the the left Bumper is hit. 
 * This function turns off the LED connected to the port, reads the Bumper 
 * value and restores previous LED state afterwards!
 * Example:
 *		if(getBumperLeft())
 *			// do something
uint8_t getBumperLeft(void)
	PORTB &= ~SL6;
	DDRB &= ~SL6; 
	uint8_t tmp = PINB & SL6;
	if(statusLEDs.LED6) { 
		DDRB |= SL6; 
		PORTB |= SL6; 
	return tmp;

 * Returns true if the the right Bumper is hit. 
 * This function turns off the LED connected to the port, reads the Bumper 
 * value and restores previous LED state afterwards!
 * Example:
 *		if(getBumperRight())
 *			// do something
uint8_t getBumperRight(void)
	PORTC &= ~SL3;
	DDRC &= ~SL3; 
	uint8_t tmp = PINC & SL3;
	if(statusLEDs.LED3) { 
		DDRC |= SL3; 
		PORTC |= SL3; 
	return tmp;

Jan Lukas